Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What are you REALLY waiting for?

What are you Really Waiting For?


So the summer is here and some say it is too hot, it is too wet, the sun is out, I don’t like to sweat and on and on. I have been exercising pretty regularly since I was about 7. I started running with my father (or actually behind him until about age 16) very early on. I started lifting weights at age 15. I started biking more seriously in 1998. I did my first Pilates around 1997, my first Yoga around 2001, it goes on.

I do not, for the life of me, understand why anyone would keep putting off exercise. My uncle was 400 pounds when his doctor finally told him he was going to have a heart attack and he probably would not survive unless he lost weight. He eventually lost 160 lbs to get down to 240. Now for the record that is about 50% more than I weighed in high school and about 45% more than I weigh now (I grew 2 more inches taller after high school). He has since died but kept the weight off until his death.

So what makes us wait? When you put on five pounds you may not notice, but your clothes do. When you put on 10 lbs you need new clothes. When you LOSE 10 lbs you want new clothes. When you put on 50 lbs, you need a new heart. It is called “The devil you know versus the devil you don’t know.” You have adapted to the extra weight. Your muscles got stronger to handle the extra weight, your heart rate increased to pump more blood to the extra area, and your blood pressure went up to get the blood to the extra surface area. You also become resistant to insulin. Since insulin is used to regulate the sugar in your cells, you may require insulin injections to regulate your blood sugar. Even irregular exercise has been shown to increase the body’s regulation of insulin as well as many other hormones.

I have heard the excuses. When I introduce myself and my occupation at a party or anywhere else I become the fitness confession booth: “I have been meaning to get back to the gym.” “I haven’t exercised in months.” “Oh, I ate so much this weekend.” And my favorite “I am too out of shape to work out.” But you have to WANT to change, whether it is your weight, your clothes, or your hairstyle. But none of these are as important as achieving a healthy weight.

A healthy weight begins today. It begins by choosing to go for a walk after meals, choosing fresh fruits and vegetables, and cutting back on your meat intake. Being healthy is at the core of being a conscious human. Pay attention to how you feel after you eat, feel crummy, don’t eat the same thing again. Sound simple? It is. If you have an emotional to attachment to a particular food that makes you feel lousy after you eat it, then address why you needed it in the first place. Food does not have to be only fuel. Use the comfort food sparingly, and seek comfort elsewhere.

You have the power to control your weight. If you do not have the power, seek professional help. Doctors know what to do to regulate your weight. Psychiatry is effective for eating disorders. A nutritionist can arrange your diet. And a personal trainer is excellent for guiding you to proper exercise. Start today, right now!