Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Little Clarification

Let me explain a little something. I have said that being fat is un-American. I have not received any feedback that ANYONE has felt otherwise. However it is not just being fat that is so bad. It is being fat and doing NOTHING about it. I grew up with a mother who had five children, a weight problem, and the time to attempt every new diet that came out.

Dieting does not work. Let me say it again: DIETING DOES NOT WORK. I could not even begin to tell you what a calorie tastes like. But I can tell you that the chicken/apple sausage I had with breakfast has 11g of Fat, 1g carbohydrates, and 14g of protein totaling about 130 calories. I can also tell you that it has a nice snap to the skin, can be cooked in very little oil (none if you have a no-stick pan), and is a little on the salty side with a sweetness that compliments the chicken flavor, and I like it just a touch burnt. The bread I had it with was fresh from the bakery Sat and the brown eggs had a slightly heartier flavor than the white ones I had to buy last week. Describe your food. Write down what it tastes like. Write down how it looks, how it makes you feel when you eat it, how you were feeling before you ate it, why you chose to eat what you did.

My eggs were scrambled, there was 1 whole egg and 1 just white (removing all the cholesterol and fat from that egg and leaving half the protein) so it was more pale yellow than 2 whole eggs, the sausage was scored on both sides for easier and quicker cooking, and I put some reduced sugar cherry preserves on the wheat toast. I was feeling like I had not had enough protein yet, I was a little stressed because work is not as busy as I would like, and I felt satisfied after I had eaten and was ready to take on the rest of the day.

If you are aware (some call it being present) of your food then you make better choices. If you are aware of your choices then you make better choices also. There are alternatives to high fat, high calorie, high sugar, low nutrient foods. An apple costs about the same as a Little Debbie snack cake with NONE of the junk calories. Yes, an apple is mostly sugar and fiber, but it also has micronutrients that help your body to function better. You can also pair an apple with a handful of raw nuts to slow the insulin response as well as get some protein, omegas and necessary fat.

If you need some junk calories then you need some sugar in car’s gas tank. Why do we spend so much money putting good fuel in our cars but not in our bodies? All of the “premium” food is on the outside aisles of the supermarket. All of the “regular leaded” foods are on the inside aisles. Just like leaded gas, these items contain junk that your body, excluding a small part of your brain, does not want. When the craving centers in your brain get in the way of making healthful decisions then you need to slow down, have a glass of water, and pay attention to what your body is really telling you. A sugar craving is often a call for more energy, generally signaling a lack of sleep or an imbalance in your diet. Sometimes it is even a signal to take a nap or eat a piece of fruit. A hunger craving is also frequently mistaken for thirst.
In our push for better health do not miss the big picture. Skinny is not the goal. Fat is not the goal. Healthy is the goal. If you can live to a healthy old age then you can see your children graduate college, your grandchildren go to high school, and your great grandchildren can text you about your lunch date.

Before you reach for your next bite ask yourself, “Is there something I can do, right now, with this decision, to make myself better and healthier?” I truly do not mind you being overweight. I do however, absolutely deplore, complaining about it and doing nothing. I do love to see those with slightly more weight than they are comfortable with out getting some exercise. I give encouragement when I see them walking, running, or bike riding around the NYC area.

You have to start somewhere, and the first step is usually the best place. Pick up something heavier than you normally would today. Park at the back of the parking lot. Walk to buy your groceries. Run to the gym. Ride your bike. Go for a walk after meals(I have said this one before). Challenge yourself. Get regular sleep. Don’t eat when you’re emotionally charged. Forgive someone you have a grudge against. Strive for happiness. Achieve healthy choices every day. Go be healthy America.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Have some Healthy Independence

It is un American to be Fat/Obese/Overweight?

The increase in obesity in the United States has been a trend for so long now that we accept it as “The American Way.” I say that is dead wrong. We are a healthy, strong and capable people. We know that when the time is right we stand up for our country to make it stronger. However we are continually destroying ourselves by taking in low quality, nutrient depleted calories. Our health as individuals and our health as a nation require our vigilance.

In these tougher times we need to demand of ourselves and each other that we remain healthier. Get your eyes checked regularly. Go to the doctor. Use the preventive medicine that your insurance pays for. Be physically active. Get insured. I know that this topic is sensitive. I want health care to be affordable, and I want everyone to have adequate coverage. There are enough well people in this country, who are not insured to balance out the market. Moreover, tens of millions of Americans suffer from preventable diseases. Now if those tens of millions just started, that is it, just start, exercising every day then we could put a major dent in this insurance debate.

You don’t even have to wait until Congress passes health care reform. You start passing it on your own. If you have joint pain, then do something about it, lose 10 pounds or take the medication prescribed to you. (There are water based classes to get weight off of your joints to exercise.) Reports say the problem needs to be addressed at the highest levels of government. Well that is us, the people are the government. Since people say all politics are local, it does not get more local than yourself. Pass your own healthcare reform. Be active!

Reuters reports that in Miami, insulin injections are the number one fraud perpetrated against Medicare. Insulin injections are becoming so commonplace, and the government pays out such massive quantities for this, that even the criminals saw an easy in road. With the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes becoming more prevalent in younger people it is imperative that we shake each other by the shoulders and say: “Wake UP! Snap out of it! The government is not going to help your obesity.” Are you waiting for the government to step in say you can’t go to McDonalds because you’re too fat? YOU! Have to make the choices for yourself. It is personal. If you take it personally, well then you should. I know there are medical conditions that make people obese. But they are rare. “I’m big boned.” No you’re Big Mac’ed.

Do a set of push ups during commercials. Walk in place while you watch SportsCenter. Watch TV standing up. Walk around the block for 15 minutes after meals. 3 meals x 15 minutes = 45 minutes of exercise. You will feel better, your digestion will be better, your waistline will shrink and you will be doing something good for your country. So start today. Work off that BBQ from this weekend. Go to the gym. Start a group of walkers in your neighborhood. Don’t know where to begin? That is where a personal trainer comes in handy, but you don’t need a trainer to know how to walk.

Blueprint for a Healthier America: Modernizing the Federal Public health System to Focus on Prevention and Preparedness- Trust for America’s Health www.healthyamericans.org
Government moves to staunch major Medicare fraud –Reuters-July, 1, 2009