Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I am a parent too!

Hey all you parents out there! I am a parent. I am active when my son. He is a VERY active and VERY athletic 6 year old. I have been throwing him in the air since he was very small. He swims, bikes, runs and drinks my delicious green smoothies from my Vita Mix (I sneak him his veggies this way. Shh! Its healthy)! He even comes into my gym and asks to pick up the Kettlebells when we are there. I love him and think he is an awesome athlete and I want to keep it that way.

I do not swing him by his arms! I have always swung him around but only from under his armpits! Watch this video and remember that your kids will protect themselves. They have more sense and self awareness than we give them credit for. They are in tune with their bodies and (gasp!) they even know when they are full whether it works with your feeding schedule or not.(that is a topic for another blog post)

Happy and Healthy Parenting!
Thanks K-Star!

With all kinds of healthy and happy love,
Andy Nelson
TCA Wellness
Brentwood (Cool Springs), TN