Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Spartan workout -08/31/11

This one wasn't so bad today I was little pressed for time:
1mi easy Warm up
Mobility work for 5 min.
2x thru-
50 squats
five uphill sprints
25 Burpees
five uphill sprints
1 mile cooldown jog
I'm feeling pretty good bring on Spartan Super Staten Island. Me and the Team will be ready.
Who wants to join me next week?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Spartan Workout

This workout was not as killer as yesterday, mainly because there are no burpees. Warm up by walking and jogging a little for about 10 min. Do a little active stretching then let the fun begin.
50 walking lunges/50 push-ups/50 squats.
3-mile run race pace.
50 squats/50 push-ups/50 walking lunges
3-mile run at race pace
50 squats/50 push-ups/50 walking lunges

That was all for today. I was still wiped out at the end. Tomorrow should a be a recovery day.
I hppe you challenge yourself today. If you need help training for your upcoming Spartan race or Tough Mudder then send me an email.

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Spartan race WOD - Sat 08/27

Spartan Posts the Workout Of the Day on their facebook page. Yesterday, just 2 days after heavy Deadlift, I did this workout. It was fun for me.
This past Saturday with hurricane Irene bearing down on New York City I set up into Hudson River Park to do the Spartan race workout of the day. It was broken down into those going long and those not going as long the workout was either 8 to 10 miles with 20 burpees( each mile or 12 to 16 miles with 10 ( each mile.
Here is the route that I took. I warmed up from point a to point B to point where I started the workout with 20 Burpees and set off for point C. Point C only did 15 burpees, as soon as I set off away from them I really felt like a pansy.
I managed to force all 20 Burpees at the remaining points. When I got to point age I did my 20 Burpees except point G where I did not find grass. At point G, I did 4 rounds: 5 squat thrusts and 6, 7, 8 and 9 push-ups.
At Point H I did 10 Burpees, 50 meter Bear Crawl and 10 more burpees. I finished with a 100 m grass crawl on my elbows.
I was wiped out but I found a new place in myself, I learned something about myself on this workout. I learned that I can push myself past the point where my mind says "Stop". I found that if I pushed myself past that 15th Burpee I wasn't going to stop until 20. You can use your workouts to effect true change: "Change comes through movement". When you do a workout that breaks you down, you come back stronger- more capable.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We ALL Struggle

No one is immune from struggle. We struggle with finding the balance in life, finding the time for exercise, finding the time to eat healthy, finding that perfect day to start working out. Zen buddhism says that we should be thankful for our 82 problems because we do not have 83 problems. My struggle is managing the knowledge I have with what I see going on around me daily.

As the epidemic of obesity spirals out of control I see several factors that stem from struggle:
1) Stress! Stress has many negative effects - decreased immune system function,hormonal imbalances, mindless eating (stress eating), and loss of sleep. All of these factors can lead to weight gain and general unhealthy lifestyle. Take quiet time, unplugged, for 10 mins a day. Just sit and breathe deeply.

2) Poor food choices. We ALL know what we are supposed to eat - fruits, vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, very little oils and saturated fats. But we struggle to make these healthy choices when the time comes. It is easy to start tomorrow because tomorrow will never be here. Start your day with Vegetables and your body will thank you (eggs and salsa is easy and healthy).

3) Drinking your calories. This is an insidious struggle. Most people do not know that a 12 ounce can of soda is 1.5 servings. So 20 ozs of soda is nearly 3 servings. If you are drinking 1 20 oz serving of soda/day you are getting almost 1/4 of your calories from liquid.Not only do most people "forget" to count these calories they are unsatisfying and devoid of nutrition. When you give your body nutrition deficient calories, it WILL ask for nutrients from somewhere. Drink plenty of fresh, clean water - calorie free and great for your body.

4)Caffeine overload! I have had to struggle with this in the past. I used to drink as many as 4 grande coffees in 1 day. When you give your body a high dose of caffeine it thinks it still needs caffeine to function. As the caffeine level drops you think you need more when what you probably need is more sleep which can be thrown off by drinking too much caffeine. Vicious cycle. Since I started drinking Shakeology I usually only drink one cup of coffee per day. I don't feel I need it most days but I enjoy the taste and the ritual.

If there is anything here that you struggle with just know that you are not alone. Everyone struggles, how we deal those struggles is what separates us. Find support in your struggles, not enablers. Search for ways to solve your current struggles rather than deny that they are there. Seek out a coach to help you manage your time, energy levels and exercise.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

So what really works?

The same old question gets asked time and again: What really works to lose weight? Every trainer, nutritionist, dietician, doctor seems to have an answer. Simply put there is a short answer that works every time: FOCUS!

Now here is the long answer: Losing weight takes focus on four key areas that if one if ignored can derail the other 3.
1- Diet - If you are exercising without the proper fuel you may be burning up muscle instead of fat during your workout. Focus on getting clean, healthy fuel into your body. Lots of veggies, lean protein and healthy fat sources like Avocados and olive oil.

2 - Exercise - the right exercise will burn the fat and build muscle at the same time but will require intensity. Focus your efforts on short, intense bursts of exercise followed by short recovery. This will ramp up the metabolism, build muscle, and burn more fat per exercise bout.

3- Quiet - Meditation or prayer can be beneficial to calming the central nervous system and allowing for adequate recovery from exercise. Focus your mind on breathing and being calm. Do not hold onto your thoughts as they race, this will help you to handle setbacks and appreciate advancement better.

4 - Recovery - Working out to exhaustion is just that - Exhausting. Make sure you are recovered from the last workout before you do the same thing again. Focus on cardio if you are still worn out from your weight workout the day before. Be honest with yourself and don't skip a day just because you feel a little sore. Some work can help you recover. Get to know your body.

I don't usually read Fitness Magazine because I feel it can be a little watered down and very commercial(they may use the products their advertisers send them). Their headlines are what the audience wants to hear(Walk off 10 lbs this month! not going to happen) not what they need to hear. You will not make a change until change what has made you. Get out of your comfort zone and find a new place in you.
This article was great. If you think you are in shape then try to work out alongside the Biggest Loser contestants.
They have a trainer pushing them and you have the feeling that you are in better shape. Guess again. Check out what happens when a writer from Fitness Magazine thinks she is in better shape than some of The Biggest Loser contestants.

Try Brett Hoebel's ReVabs (Trainer Biggest Loser Season 11) for 90 days. When you do Mercy Abs you will be pleading for somebody to make it stop. Follow the eating plan that comes with it and you will feel great. You can buy ReVabs below. It is more than just abs.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Today's Spartan Race Workout

Today was a rough one! Working on running and endurance. I have not been doing lots of pull-ups lately so I kept them down to 8 per round. Burpees kill me so I made them even tougher today. So here is the rundown:
1mile warm up with some run over rocks and forced changes in body position
5 rounds of -
8 Chest to bar Pullups
8 toes to bar
10 Burpees w/180 turn
1/2 mile run.
1.5 mile run.
Totals: Running 5mi, 40 Pull-ups, 40 toes to bar, 50 180 burpees

i did this in New York City's Central park by the Great Lawn where they have pull up bars for the public.
it was awesome! and took me just a little under an hour.
I finished up with a P90X Results and Recovery Formula drink so I got some protein, creatine, electrolytes, and carbohydrates to help me recover for tomorrow's workout.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Emotional Engagement in your Future

You have a reason to get healthy within you. Maybe you want to feel better. Maybe you want to look better. Maybe you want more energy. Maybe you have hit what you consider your "Rock Bottom." I ask you to find what it is in your life you are missing out on because you are not enough to healthy or fit.

There is chance you are missing out on a promotion at work due to your fitness. Let me explain: If you are lacking in fitness you probably are also lacking in energy and focus. If you know in your heart that you are not doing something for your health every day then you may also lack the confidence to make big moves at work. You may not be living up to your potential in your career. If you are not healthy enough to sit through a business meeting and stay engaged with a colleague because your hormones are shifting up and down then you may be risking that next promotion.

If you have a family that counts on you then you owe to something bigger than you to begin to be more healthy. Some obese people perpetuate their dishonesty with themselves by hiding their obesity related health issues from their family. This type of dishonesty can cause further heart problems as your emotional strain wears on your heart. Be honest with yourself and your family, they love you enough to care about your health.

Take action today to get healthier. Start a home workout program like P90X, Slim in 6, or RevAbs if you are embarrassed to go to the gym. Hire a professional trainer or coach to get you started. Find a friend who will help you.Find and use a Nutritionist. Drink Shakeology to start your nutrition in the right direction. Just TAKE ACTION! If you do more of the same, you will get more of the same.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Training for Spartan Race SI, NY

I am training for the Spartan Race Staten Island on Sep 24/25, 2011. I am volunteering 1 of those days. I will periodically post some of the crazy workouts I do. Here is what I did Tuesday that required some P90X, Yoga X Wed morning to loosen me up.

Warm up - 2500m C2 rower - 10 min
Foam Roller/Lacrosse ball for hip mobility - 5 min
Heavy Ass Dead Lift - 5x5 - 221lbs, 232lbs, 254lbs, 285lbs, 285lbs
Metabolic Conditioning - Without stopping( no time since I forgot to stop my watch) 4 rounds - L-Sit rope climb, Pushups to fail( wide, Military, normal, heart 2 heart since I was supposed to be doing a P90X workout that day), 20 sit ups, walking lunges 50yds.

I am feeling it for sure.
Today will be a mountain man run, details later.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hurt should be a state of mind

When we exercise we are choosing which energy system we wish to work more. For some the choice is conscious, but those choosing consciously are usually a trainer or a coach. The main systems that we can train are: The cardio vascular system, the Neuro-Muscular System, the musculo-skeletal system, and the fascial system.
For most the cardiovascular system is the easiest to train, just put on your shoes and go out for a long run of more than 20 min.
The musculo-skeletal system is a close second with resistance training growing in popularity.
The fascial system is gaining a little traction after many years the medical community is finally willing to research the benefits of this little understood system trained by many athletes.
The Nero-muscular system is trained mainly by top tier athletes and strength athletes of varying degree from novice to pro.
All of these energy systems have their own degree of hurt. Aerobic activity does not hurt very much unless you are brand new. The fascial system, as we roll over knots in our muscles, hurts a little more but not for very long. the musculo skeletal system can get a good workout without much hurting at all until the next day.
The Nuero-muscular system, when taxed well is nearly enough to make you want to vomit. Heavy dead lift or heavy squats can make your system ask what hit it. A serious session at the track, either cycling or running, can do the same. An athlete of any level but the most very beginner should attempt to challenge this system at least once a week. Although highly taxing, the changes that you bring about in your body's ability to perform are enormous.
The stress of heavy dead lift or a power speed set at the track are enough to give your body a better foundation for your marathon or even 5k. A stronger body achieved through ever increasing demands is one that can adapt to any circumstances. If you did well in last year's 10k but you show up and there are Kenyans lined up to race, you may still have a shot. You will have a shot because you have done the work at the track and the gym to give you that foundation. Your head will be in a good place because you will have put in the painful work, what Brett Hoebel calls "Paying some dues." Challenge yourself under the watchful eye of a coach or a trainer then take it out on your own. Watch the noise of a painful day at the office fade into the background.