Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Obesity and the Gym

     I have a little problem with the location of my studio. As a personal training studio in Brentwood, TN we are located right next to a Sonic and a Mexican restaurant. I joke with people that "I can open the door and order from Sonic... but I don't." Some days I feel like the "Fitness Confession Booth" when people tell me they "have been meaning to get more exercise." Is the fear of what you may find in the gym what is keeping you away?
      It is easy to get frustrated by the lack of care that others take for their bodies with bad food, inactivity and stress. I use the outside world as a mirror for how I can be a better trainer and coach others to have a healthier life. I am like most people who struggle with their weight or their fitness. I let the stress of business and life get to me, I don't sleep as much as I should, I can go too long between meals when I am working on a project and I can be a little obsessive about the food I eat (until I am not).
       I go to the gym every day because it is my job. I chose being a weight loss coach and a fitness trainer because I think it is my way of helping to keep more people healthy and to keep my family around me longer. I started running with my father at age 6 and have struggled to get my mother to exercise for 25 years. Exercise has been part of his life for his whole life while she has never really seen it as important as other things. Even more challenging for her was the stigma she felt about exercising as her weight went up and then she was in a car accident making everything hurt.

     So what do you do when everything hurts seems to hurt and you feel so self conscious about your weight that you will not go to the gym because all you see is skinny women in small clothes?
Keep in mind that exercise can be uncomfortable at first but you will begin to feel and move better with just a little consistency.
You hire a professional to get you started.
You get some emotional help from a psychiatrist, your preacher or a friend who can keep you motivated.
You find 3 friends and start a weight loss journey together.
You decide that you are now at your most unhealthy and you will spend the rest of your life striving for improved health and well being.
Reach out to family and ask for support. Get healthy as a family, all of your lives depend on it!

     You SHOULD NEVER QUIT! You should never give up on your health.

     I made the commitment almost 30 years ago to seek better health (at around 10 years old). That journey has not been a straight line. I have strayed. I have eaten food that is just awful for me. I have tried to exercise away my bad eating habits. I have tried to drink away problems. I have let myself become unhealthy, sometimes by exercising too much, sometimes by eating too much and sometimes by exercising too little. I have never kept being healthier out of my sights even when that vision became blurred. I have chosen to pursue the path helping YOU become healthier instead of being an electrician, banker or actor. Helping others become healthy is my passion regardless of what you THINK the gym is about. Reality is that most in the fitness business just want you healthy starting from where you are today.
Go to the gym.
Fight the Obesity trend.
Make the world a more fit place beginning with you.
Comment or message me if you want a little more hands on help.
I am here for those who fear exercise. I am here for those who only dream of getting healthier. Most importantly I am here because your health and fitness is my passion.