Monday, August 30, 2010

Week 1 - 1/2 marathon Training

I'm still on break from school & this week is kind of a vacation week. Fitting training in will be easy. We'll see how it goes once school starts up again and work picks up after Labor Day.

Week 1 of my official 1/2 marathon training. The plan for this week:

Monday: 40 minutes jog; we'll see what kind of distance I cover. Goal: 4.5 miles. There will be one 2 minute walk break. Flat course. I use Garmin 310XT as a training tool. Yoga tonight.

Tuesday: 6am "Mambo" bike ride with Tenafly Road Dawgz. Approximately 25 miles (21-24 mph average). Flat, speed work. Go to the gym: Strength train upper body. 10-12 reps total upper body & core.

Wednesday: Strength training (legs) at the gym. Driving to LI to hang out at the beach for a few days. I'll probably do a mellow 1.5 hour bike ride with my friend Julie when I get to the Island.

Thursday: 1 mile easy swim in the bay. Running intervals for speed.

Friday: Morning yoga. Short swim in the bay. 1.5 hour relaxing bike ride. Drive home.

I'll be more specific day-by-day.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Train with Emma

I unofficially began my training last week for the half-marathon I'm running on December 5, 2010. I'm up to 4 miles. Doesn't sound like much? But it is for me. I can ride my bike for 20, 30, 40...60 miles! But running is a whole other animal for me.

I will journal my workouts starting this week so that friends, family, and supporters can follow my progress. Also, feel free to join me. I'll post strength workouts, yoga sessions, run, bike, and swim workouts. I will use cross-training to get strong and ready for 13 miles.

Also, I'll talk about nutrition, rest, and recovery. I'll discuss and share the challenges of achieving balance. I'm an MBA student, wife, and mother of a 3-year old. I'm also a personal trainer, yoga instructor, and I head coach and manage Team Lipstick NJ - women's triathlon team. I'm busy like everyone else. But I hope to figure out how to properly prepare myself for this event. Let's train...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Shine Girl!

Ladies, don't be afraid to STAND OUT. Let yourselves be GREAT. Feel strong and beautiful. You will inspire others when you strive to excel; when you reach heights and distances you never imagined you could. We are WOMEN. We can own and exude POWER; and still be nurturing, kind, empathetic, loving, generous, and tender. I believe...BALANCE is peaceful and the key to a fulfilling life.

Coach Emma

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

TeamChallenge Las Vegas Rock'n'Roll Half Marathon

TeamChallenge-Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America
Give Hope for a Brighter Tomorrow.

Train with Team Challenge & Enjoy:
-Training by professional coaches for 16 weeks
-All the tools and help you need to raise funds
-Resources, clinics, helpful tips on nutrition, hydration, injury prevention, and more
-A Team Challenge t-shirt
-An expenses-paid weekend away, including transporation, accommodations, race entry fees, and entertainment

Get Involved Today! Come to one of the Team Challenge Info Meetings. Learn more and join:

Andy Nelson, co-owner of Get Fit NYC, is coaching Team Challenge athletes in preparatin for the Rock'n'Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon on December 5, 2010.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ironman Lake Placid JENNIFER LONG

Ironman Lake Placid
Race Report by
Jennifer Long, Team Lipstick NJ athlete

The race was amazing! There is a lot to do the day before the race with bike and gear check-in. Nothing is allowed to be set out in transition like in a regular tri. I received 5 gear bags that I had to pack with everything that I needed for each transition and for any special needs. Then, on race morning, I just went to transition dressed with wetsuit and filled water bottles in hand. I was not the slightest bit nervous, as I swam the evening before in the lake and felt at ease. The swim began at 6:50 for the pros and 7 for the masses. It was a very, very rough start. People, especially the men, were very ferocious! There were a lot of fists and kicks etc! I had one really hard kick to the lower abdomen from a gentleman who decided to breaststroke for a while, not to mention another gentleman who decided to swim right over the top of me! All of that aside, I really enjoyed the swim! There is a line under the water that you can use to sight, so you never have to strain to sight. I was amazed when a pro passed me at the end of my first lap and he was done!

After the swim, I ran to transition in the pouring rain, changed clothes and headed out on the bike. It rained for about 30 miles or so. That was a little rough through some huge decents. The bike course here is beautiful and hilly-that doesn't adequately describe it! The first loop was a lot of fun - even with an 8 mile climb at the end back into Lake Placid. The second loop had no rain, so the decents were easier. There were lots of crashes and lots of men stopped to vomit on the 2nd loop! The hills seemed way bigger that loop, but I had Emma's voice in my head saying, " go hard for 20 pedal strokes, back off and then do it again!" It took me longer the 2nd time through, but got into transition still smiling and was happy that I saw my family 2x on the bike course. There were also a million Tri-Life team members in the race and on the course and each tine I passed one, they screamed wildly for "Team Lipstick!"

At this point, I cannot lie-the transition to the run was not great or fun. My legs were a little tired, as was my soft tissue ;). I hadn't gone to the bathroom in about 10 hours! So, I changed into my tri shorts and running shoes, took care of other business and headed out on the run.

The run was an out and back and was rolling hills with a few whoppers. It was tough. Men were stopped to vomit all over, people were off to the side with cramps and stretching, most people were walking. My knees were so tired and sore after running about 3 miles, I switched to a run/walk and just pushed on. After the first loop, I was more at a walk only pace, but ran the downhills. Finally, I came into the home stretch, saw my family at mile 25, and then ran the last little bit into the finish!

It was amazing! I loved the day, butI am so glad that it is over! Now, I just can't wait to get back home to train with you girls! Every time I was feeling low and I heard cheers - "go Lipstick," I thought, "I can do this, gotta represent my girls!"