Monday, February 4, 2013

The Effects ARE Real

Strength training improves your Marathon running. Strength training improves your bike sprint performance. Strength training makes your swim stroke stronger. I know that is hard for most runners to imagine and even harder for cyclists to see how more muscle can lead to FASTER times. I like to run! I am a running coach! I am a triathlon coach! But giving up 1 or 2 runs a week in exchange for focused Strength training can improve your run and or bike regardless of distance. Throw in some speed work and you just might drop that marathon time/century time/mile swim time.

The science is clear and unwavering that strength training improves your running economy and helps to better vascularize your muscles, improving blood flow during exercise. So why don't more people who call themselves athletes strength train? It makes you more lean. It makes you stronger. It reduces injury. And if done properly, improves your balance and function in everyday activities. It even makes you look better.

So I ask again: Why don't more runners strength train? I mean pick up something that weighs more than they do. Simple answer: Runners like only running. To that end they should build muscle so they have the stable, strong base to continue to run without injury. My father is a lifelong runner and, at 67, he JUST got what I have been telling him for 10 years. Cyclist fear having more weight to carry up hills but the strength:weight ratio improves more than the weight stays on. Swimmers do not float as well, though but somehow finish faster.

Now I will make the argument that lifting heavy improves endurance performance. Yes, at the professional level running more, faster helps you to run a marathon faster. However, most people who run do not spend 2-3hrs/day working out and 21 hours only recovering like the pros do. Most people spend the day sitting down at a desk letting their hip muscles get short and junky. Strength training and the preparatory work necessary to lift are great at making a runner, cyclist, swimmer or triathlete stronger and more flexible, allowing a powerful run stride/pedal stroke/swim stroke that is more efficient.

I would also make the argument that preparing your body to strength training helps to make you better at the other sports. If you are a triathlete you need to be very flexible, very strong, and have tremendous endurance. Strength training combined with swimming, biking and running can make you a very balanced strong and focused person. More muscle allows you to finish stronger, recover faster and prepare better.

Don't just watch a video on YouTube of how to do the following lifts, get some professional coaching or at least take a small strength training class.
My recommended lifts for endurance athletes are as follows:
Dead Lift (build to fewer than 6 reps. GO HEAVY)
Dumbbell snatch
Kettlebell swings (initiate from the hips)
Thrusters (Front Squat to Jerk press)
Pull Ups
Push Ups
Squats (build to fewer than 6 reps with great knees placement)
Med Ball Chop or slam/ Med Ball Cross Body lift
Box Jump

Now go have some fun being strong. The hills will look and feel easier.

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