Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New Resolve

by Andy Nelson for

It is common to make a New Year's Resolution to lose weight, eat healthier, and get fit. It is also quite common to forget those resolutions sometime around Valentine's Day. It takes about 6 weeks to start seeing the results of your hard work and commitment; provided you’ve been consistent. I like to exercise 6 days a week--3 days with a focus on cardio, 3 days with a focus on strength and incorporating flexibility into all 6 days. With this combination the muscles and the heart stay strong and, for me, there is less stress on the joints from too much weight lifting.
Right after we make our resolutions we are pretty gung-ho and want to work out every day. At some point you miss a day, and then you miss another day and before you know it you have given up. Well, start again! There is NOTHING that says you can only make resolutions on the first of the year. It is just a day on the calendar. You can start again on Monday, Saturday, or Wednesday, or on your Birthday, or any day that you want. You may have to make a new resolution every week if that is what keeps you going. You may even need to do it each new day.
Be honest with yourself. Have you kept your New Year's Resolutions? If you answered "No" then make a Valentine's Day Resolution! Resolve to do what is good for your heart. Not the candy and flowers romantic heart, but the heart that pumps blood and keeps you alive.
Get out and move around. Make your New Week Resolution. Make a New Day Resolution to become a healthier person.
February is National Heart Month and you should be taking care of your heart. Get your heart checked at the doctor, eat heart healthy foods, and get some exercise. If you’ve been exercising moderately, don't just do the minimum recommended 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise 2-3 days per week; do more and see better results. If you have been sedentary and haven’t moved much in a while, and want to start seeing the benefits of exercise, then engage in 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise per day to start; build up from there. After you’ve been consistent for at least 6-8 weeks, take one day a week to do an extended session of exercise; like a 1-2 hour hike, a 1-2 hour bike ride, or a few hours of playing with your children or grandchildren. Your heart will thank you. And you may have harmony and stability with your New Resolve.

Here is a Heart Healthy recipe that you can try:
You will need:
8 oz - Brussels Sprouts
2 TBSP - Olive Oil
1/4 cup Raw Slivered Almonds
a few tbsp of water
Prepare Brussels sprouts by washing them and cutting the end off. Slice Brussels sprouts and place in a large skillet. Add Olive oil and place over medium heat. Stir in the olive oil and the almonds until everything is coated well. Add 2 tbsp of water and cover for 10 minutes. Heat until desired tenderness. The sprouts should be more green than brown.
The olive oil and the almonds help to bring out the sweetness of the Brussels sprouts and add a little healthy Omega-3 fat and protein to the dish.

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