Thursday, February 11, 2010

Simple Workouts Week I

A Simple Workout
by Andy Nelson for

I can talk endlessly about all the different ways to get you fit. And I can back up all the information I share with you using all sorts of data from a plethora of studies conducted by teams of medical and exercise specialists from around the world. But you may still be left scratching your head and wondering what the heck will work for YOU. I have decided to just go with some of the basics and I won’t bother telling you why you should do what I’m telling you to do. Just trust me and go with my suggestions. My recommendations are basic and cover most major muscle groups while providing the most effective use of your workout time.

Here is the workout for the week:
Thursday, Saturday, Monday, Wednesday (choose 3 days)- 10 pushups, 10 squats, 1 minute Jumping Jacks, 60 seconds Plank, 45 sec each side of side plank, 15 back extension from floor, 10 lunges each side. Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday (choose 3 days) - Cardio workout
(2 activities per day for 3 days) :
-Put on your favorite music and dance for 15 min. Really bump and grind and break a sweat. Close your shades if you’re shy. Invite the hubby and kids to join you. Get a good laugh.
-Walk up and down a set of stairs for 10 min.
-Walk or jog outside for 20 min, warm up for 5 min, walk fast for 10 min, cool down for 5 min.
-March in place during every commercial break for as long as you watch TV, the whole commercial break.
-Touch the floor then reach for the ceiling 100 times.
-Chase your child around and wrestle for 10 minutes.

Food challenge: Try one new vegetable a day for the next week. Look online for a recipe for that vegetable.

That’s it! Getting fit made simple.

1 comment:

  1. Actually sounds possible to fit into my schedule. Thanks! :)
